Red Nocturne
Original title: Nocturn roig
Mixed media on wood
Dimensions: 187 x 187 cm
Reference: ACF0568
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Faithful to his obsessions, in this work Amat enters the inner world of night to evoke the fleetingness of life and a lucid awareness of living as a process of dying. The revelation of time, a time that passes in darkness like a slow, moving musical composition, is suggested through the depth of the material. The sensuality of textures and colours transforms Amat’s works into fetishes or votary objects in which tragedy, singularity around the theme of death, and a certain pagan religiousness hidden in fragments of nature are implicit. The piece is strongly Symbolist insofar as form is condensed but still conserves the vestiges of a certain Baroque overflow. Enigmatic marks offer clues about a world inaccessible to reason that is hidden by the red colour. The power of instinct and an unconditional imagination scan verses on the secret magic of what is not revealed—what we do not know but nevertheless endow with tactile and corporeal qualities. Nocturn roig conceals an imaginary cosmos that expands in the inexplicable fashion of the most intimate labyrinths.

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