Otras obras del autor dentro de la colección
Long Live St Christ. Peñas de San Pedro / 1978
The Picao penitent. San Vicente de la Sonsi... / 1979
The Empalao. Valverde de la Vera / 1979
Prayer to the Calvary. Bercianos de Aliste / 1975
Procession of St Christ. Bercianos de Aliste / 1975
Brothers of the Cross. Bercianos de Aliste / 1975
Procession of the St Burial. Bercianos de Aliste / 1978
The Daughter of the Penitent. Cuenca / 1982
At Eleven O'Clock at El Salvador. Cuenca / 1982
The Powers of the Soul. Puente Genil / 1976
Salve to Our Lady of Ujué. Lumbier / 1980
The Trinity. Lumbier / 1980
The Black-tailed Jews. Baena / 1976
The Sound of Pain. Murcia / 1981
Waiter! Chocolate and churros. Cartagena / 1981
Gypsies in the Procession. Antequera / 1977
Playing Passion. Riogordo / 1983
Mercy. O Corpiño / 1982
Words of Love. Bercianos de Aliste / 1978
Pilgrims in Ujué. Eslava / 1980
St John's Finger. Belichón / 1982
Request for Rain for the Fields. Tirteafuera / 1978
Offering Tower. Hontanar / 1987
Offertory to Our Lady of La Cuesta. Miranda del Ca... / 1980
El Colacho. Castrillo de Murcia / 1975
Singers of the Virgin Mary. Morella / 1976
Brothers of St Sebastian. Villasandino / 1981
September. Escober / 1988
The Repose of the Dancers. Belinchón / 1982
The Heroine. Morella / 1976
The Priest and His Mother. Las Pías / 1980
The Cascaborras. Orce / 1987
Dancer. El Hito / 1980
The Enharinao. Laza / 1985
Days of Kings. Montamarta / 1981
The Peliqueiro. Laza / 1975
The Jarramplás. Piornal / 1980
Promise to Las Pascuillas. A Franqueira / 1981
The Pilgrims of Useras / 1981
The Pilgrims of Useras in Chodos / 1976
El Rocío Pilgrimage. Huelva / 1979
Female Worshipper at El Rocío Pilgrimage. Huelva / 1979
The Afternoon. Campillo de Arenas / 1978
The Female Major-domos. El Cerro de Andévalo / 1982
Altars for Corpus Christi. Fuenlabrada de los Mont... / 1979
The Transvestite. Trebujena / 1988
Evening Paths. Zamora / 1988
On the Threshing Floors. Escober / 1988
Bullfights in Ronda / 1981
Sea Bulls. Denia / 1987
Leaving the Bullpen. Benavente / 1975
The Cuadrilla. Vitoria / 1978
The Bull. Soria / 1977
The Dependent. Zamora / 1978
Ofrecidas. San Martín del Pedroso / 1981
The Weeping of the Ofrecida. Ribaterme / 1978
Wax Heads. Gende / 1977
The Ex-voto. Figueiro / 1978
St Blas Devil. Almonacid del Marquesado / 1974
Good Friday in the Ermitas / 1987
The Kiss. Los Milagros / 1977
Christ of El Sahuco. Peñas de San Pedro / 1982
Christ of El Sahuco. Peñas de San Pedro / 1978
The Confession. Saavedra / 1980
Shrouded. Amil / 1977
The Offertory. Amil / 1979
A Promise to Life. Amil / 1975
Breakfast. Amil / 1975
The Sick Beggar's Promise. Amil / 1980
The Child in the Coffin. Ribarteme / 1982
A Mother's Promise. A Franqueira / 1981
Antoñito. Ribarteme / 1981
The Aficionado. Banyeres / 1981
For Men Only. Vilafranca del Cid / 1981
The Sleeping Soul. Saavedra / 1981